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Class of 2003 Graduation
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Graduation 2003


2003 Wheelersburg Graduation on May 24, 2003. I recieved Top Vocational student award and gave the first speech of the night. (First speech of my life) LOL 

My Graduation Speech

May 24, 2003

I am extremely proud to be given this opportunity to address you during this wonderful and momentous celebration. I have attended Wheelersburg since my Kindergarten year in 1989. I have learned many things in my journey through school.

Some of the important things that I have learned is leadership and the Ability to Succeed. It takes a lot of hard work and effort to achieved in these goals.

Being a student in the Wheelersburgs schools makes me proud to be in such a good area. Even though we are well known for our ability to play sports, we are also known for the success of academic achievement.

It seems like yesterday when I started school. Now I will be leaving high school and starting a life of my own. One thing that I=m proud of is that I already have the leadership skills to believe in my self.

I have accomplished many goals in my life that have set a good backbone for my future. My favorite is when I received my Eagle Scout award on January 5, 2000. It took 6 years of leadership training and community work to achieve my goal but I did it. I always told myself if you start something, finish it!

I have been going out to the Scioto County Joint Vocational School for the past 2 years. I have learned that if you keep your head up high and believe in yourself, you will succeed in anything you want.

Speaking of Vo Tech, I would like to pay my respects to a fellow friend and welding partner Eric Chamberlin who passed away last year. Eric and I knew each other as we were growing up in the burg but we never really talked much till we went out to the Vocational school and were in the same welding class together.

In conclusion, I would like to thank my parents and grandparents for keeping me on my toes and teaching me right from wrong, Becky Lewis for teaching me how to become a leader in The Boy Scouts, Coach Gary Johnson for making me believe that anything is possible, and I=d like to thank GOD for putting me on this earth to be somebody.

                                                                               -Justin T. Evans-


Page Created on May 25, 2003