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Fairmount, Indiana Home of James Dean


Photo above: James Dean's cousin Marcus Winslow & Justin Evans Taken on March 5, 2004
On March 5, 2004 I took a drive to James Dean's home town in Fairmount, Indiana. When I arived there I took a tour of the James Dean Gallery. They are in the process of moving and will open a new place off of exit 59 on rout 69 opening day for the new exibit is May 15th. After I took a tour of the gallery Lenny called up a resedent named Phil Zeigler who took me around to some of the places that arn't open to public. I ended up cheching out the barns on the farm James lived on, I got to see the 1949 Ford sedan that James drove to school his senior year. They also had a replica of the 1955 Porche Spider that James was killed in. Last but not least I even got to meet James Dean's cousin that he grew up with Marcus Winslow.
A Special Thank You to Phil Zeigler for taking me a tour of the town and Thanks to Lenny for calling up phil. It's been the best trip ever!!!


Info on the 1949 Ford sedan that James Dean's uncle Mercus owned. It was used by James Dean his senior year and his senior prom.


Justin Evans sitting in James Dean's uncle's 1949 Ford Sedan.

Remembering James Dean (Dedicated to the memory of James Dean)

Written By: Justin Evans 12-8-03

"Deam as if you'll live forever

Live as if you'll die today" (-  James Dean  -)

Thats the quote I go by

Since you went away


You were a rebel without a cause

You broke all the laws


It was september of 55

When that crash took your life away


From Hollywood to Fairmount

Everybody knew about

That horible day


It's been almost 50 years

Since everyone shed their tears

For You


You were a rebel without a cause

You didn't obey the laws


It was just your style

You only stayed a while


"Deam as if you'll live forever

Live as if you'll die today" (-  James Dean  -)

Thats the quote I go by

Since you went away


Replica of James Dean's Porsche Spyder 550


Replica of James Dean's Porsche Spyder 550

Justin & Dan at the James Dean Festival September 25, 2004 in front of a 1955 Porsche Spyder

Justin Evans at the grave site of James Dean September 25, 2004

Created on March 13, 2004
Updated on November 11, 2004